1. Is TB-1000 the complete 43 chain amino acid chain of Thymosin Beta-4?
NO. TB-1000 is a unique and patented sequence derivative of Thymosin Beta-4 only selected of the amino acids that provide benefits for performance racing. The complete 43 amino acid chain of Thymosin Beta-4 has no proven benefits for racing or competition.
2. IDoes TB-1000 reduce heart rates in Endurance Horses, Thoroughbreds and Racing Camels when administered IV?
YES. When administered Intravenously, the process of Angiogenesis is activated which creates new blood vessels. The higher levels of new blood vessels allows for increased blood circulation and more effective blood distribution and therefore places a reduced demand for the heart to increase activity in order to increase blood circulation to provide muscles with the required increase in oxygen, glycogen and amino acids to perform at their peak for longer.
3. What is the main function of TB-1000?
Angiogenesis is the main function as the compound binds itself to the G-actin site and initiates the process of new blood vessel formation. Enducing Mast Cell Exocytosis is another important function of TB-1000.
4. What benefits will TB-1000 deliver to my Endurance Horse, Thoroughbred or Racing Camel?
4. Are there counterfeit versions of TB-1000 attempting to be sold in the market?
Yes, due to the success of TB-1000 there are several websites claiming to sell TB-1000. What these sites are in fact selling is a non-sterile liquid version of the complete 43 amino acid chain of Thymosin Beta-4 which provides NO benefits in enhancing performance in horses or camels. There has been reported cases of anaphylactic reactions from the counterfeit products so we ask you do not take the risk with your animals. These counterfeit websites include www.tb-1000.net and TaylorMade Equine.
5. How can I recognize counterfeit TB-1000?
VECTA places a high importanct on security features to ensure the counterfeit versions are easily recognizable. Legitimate TB-1000 is owned and manufactured by VECTA Animal Health and is sold with VECTA Securiry Seals and a VECTA Official Licensed Product embossed onto the box. Legitimate TB-1000 is a freeze-dry peptide where saline solution ampules are included in the box for dilution of the peptide prior to administration. The vials are clear vials. The countefeit websites such as that operated by TaylorMade Equine (www.tb-1000.net) sell a non-sterile liquid version of the complete 43 amino acid chain of Thymosin Beta 4 and are sold in brown glass vials. This can be determined from the product shot displayed on the website of counterfeit websites.
Counterfeit websites will also never display a company address or contact phone number, only an email address.